This document contains three main sections. Click the hyperlink to
jump to one of them:
• API Setup
• User Account Setup
• Single Sign On and Push to Gradebook Setup
API Setup
This will automate the Roster & Demographic Data Export from Aeries to iO Assessment.
1. Login to Aeries. Go to Security > API Security > EADMS
2. Select all fields (checkboxes) as shown in the following screen shots:
3. Send your Aeries url’s in an email to the iO Assessment (EADMS) data team
District Aeries url:
Teacher Aeries Portal:
4. As is necessary, also send specialty code translations to
User Account Setup
Teacher Accounts
If the Staff and Single Sign On checkboxes are checked per page 1 of this document, iO Assessment
will automatically create/configure accounts for teachers. However, anyone whom you wish to have
access entire school(s) or the whole district, you will need to manually configure their accounts.
Mass Export of Non-Teacher Accounts
If many of your Non-Teacher staff (those who need access to entire school(s) or district) are in
Aeries, you can run scripts below to export them to a spreadsheet we can then use to mass import
***NOTE***: The accounts that are listed as a result of this query need to be checked for accuracy!
Change any account type BEFORE it is submitted to iO Assessment for processing!
Copy and paste data into spreadsheet and submit to iO Assessment via FTP site notifying our Support
Team ( after uploading. Please manually add any others to the spreadsheet
who are NOT in Aeries but are users whom you want to have a school or district-wide account in iO
Assessment. Once received, we will import and provide you a spreadsheet containing iO Assessment
usernames required for next step.
Import iO Assessment IDs into Aeries
This is a two-step process. The first step was to generate the spreadsheet of Non-Teacher Accounts
and send it to iO Assessment.
Once this information has been submitted and processed by iO Assessment, we will provide you
another spreadsheet that will contain the iO Assessment account IDs.
Step two is to take these iO Assessment IDs and import them into Aeries.
The spreadsheet containing iO Assessment IDs supplied to you can be mass loaded into a separate
table within the Aeries database and matched to the account data stored in the UGN table. From
there, an INSERT statement can be written to add data to the SSO table, where the iO Assessment
IDs are stored in Aeries. Each record will contain:
Aeries User ID, blank column, EADMS ID
The SQL query would look something like this where the SQL JOIN is based on the email address:
Single Sign On and Push to Gradebook Setup
As an Aeries administrator, login to the district on your Aeries website.
Go to School Info > School Options > and select school code 0.
***NOTE: This process only enables both Aeries and iO Assessment to communicate. This does NOT allow
any specific user to have access to iO Assessment or be able to use the Single-Sign-On functionality. To
enable specific groups or users to use SSO, see below.
Single Sign On Setup
To enable all teachers to use the SSO functionality between iO Assessment and Aeries, login to Aeries with an Aeries administrator account.
Go to Security and select Portal Groups.
Select Teachers from the Group Name list and choose a school from the dropdown menu that corresponds with the school you’d like to enable SSO for all teachers.
Un-check the Display Permissions Only checkbox.
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