System Admin – Dowloading CELDT Scores from
To retrieve these scores, you will need login credentials at the web
portal to log in. You will need:
1. District Code
2. Charter Code
3. Password
If you do not have these credentials, please contact CELDT at 866-850-1039 or
Step 2: Navigate to the Student Score Files
Click on Student Score Files. We need these raw files Side Note: If you need to do analysis on the data yourself, download the layout file which contains a detailed map of the data file you are about to download before you proceed to the Student Score Files page. However, please don’t send these files to EADMS. We need the raw, untouched files you’ll get by clicking Student Score Files instead.
Step 3: Select the school year for which you desire scores and press Download Report
Step 4: Open file in Excel.
If you downloaded the CSV (Comma-separated values) File Format of the Student Score File, opening the file in Excel should automatically separate the different fields into their own columns.
Save this file to your computer without editing it for any reason. Upload it to your IO Education ftp folder and send an alert email to
Please contact that same email address should you have any questions about this
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