Getting Started (How to Log In to IO Scan)
1) After opening IO Scan, the user should see the Main window and
Login window pop up.
2) The Login window should prompt the user to type in their User
Name and Password, allowing the user to start typing immediately
after the software opens.
■ If the user types an incorrect User Name or Password, a
warning will pop up at the top, “Authentication Failed” and
red text will be displayed at the bottom, “Check User Name
and Password”. (this can be seen in the image on the right)
3) If Log in successful, then the Login window will close and the Main
window will start loading the preferences. Once that is completed,
then the user will be informed that they have been successfully
Logged into EADMS or IO Education.
The Main window should now be accessible if the user logged in correctly. Below are descriptions of
the contents in the Main window:
■ Located at the top is the Main Menu Bar filled with
dropdowns with different user options. (More info in Main Menu Bar)
■ The first icon to the left is the Load Save Image button that looks like a folder being
open. This button allows the user to open saved images in .jpg format for processing. (More
info in Load Saved Image).
■ This is the Save Image button that allows the user to save the last scanned image. It
should be greyed out and inaccessible when the Main window first opens until a test is
loaded/scanned in. Images are saved in .jpg format. (More info in Save Image)
■ The Edit Images button that looks like a wrench. In other words, it’s the red “fix it”
wrench. This opens the Editor, allowing the user to see their scanned image and edit them
accordingly. This button should be greyed out and inaccessible when the Main window first
opens until a test is loaded/scanned in. (More info in Editor)
■ The Scanning Mode button that looks like a piece of paper with writing on it. This icon
allows the user the ability to turn on or off the duplex of the scanner. The default of the
duplex mode is off and the scanner will only scan one side of the document. By clicking on
this button, the image will change to and the scanner duplex mode will turn on, telling
the scanner to scan both sides of the document. Clicking the button again, the image will
change to and will turn off duplex mode.
■ This is the District Dropdown Menu that displays
the district being used.
■ The Log Of button allows the user to Log Off and will change to Log On if the
user wants to use the software again. (More info in Getting Started (How to Log In to IO
■ The Scan button, when clicked, starts the process of scanning tests in through
a twain driver scanner. (More info in Start Scanning with IO Scan )
-- > The main part displayed in the Main window is the Scan Results display. Here the user can
see the tests that were scanned in and the information that the IO Scan obtained or
calculated from the tests, such as: Student ID, Student Name, Test Name, Version, RS,
Percent, and the bubbled in answers. (More info in Start Scanning with IO Scan )
■ The Bubble Darkness slider bar at the bottom of the main window allows
the user to inform the IO Scan how light or how dark the bubbled marks on the test are. If
you hover over the slider, more information on how to use it. (More info in Bubble
Main Menu Bar
In the Main Menu Bar, the user is able to control different aspects of the IO Scan . Below are detailed
descriptions of the contents in the main Menu Bar:
1) Under File in the Main Menu Bar, the user can view the following:
■ Select Scanner…: Opens a window that displays the scanners that are currently connected to
the user’s computer. The user can select which scanner to use, and then click ,
which will set the scanner that will be used and automatically close the window. The IO Scan
will default to the first scanner on the list. Press to close the window. If you do
not see your scanner, check the connection of the scanner and then click , which
will update the list of scanners currently connect to your computer.
Set Preferences: Opens the Set Preferences window where the user can set their
preferences and scanning options. (More info in Set Preferences)
■ Open: Similar to Load Save Image button, the Open tab will open a Windows File
Explorer for the user to be able to choose which test that has already been saved into
memory for the IO Scan to process. (More info in Load Saved Image)
■ Upload to Server: uploads the scanned tests into the server. This tab should be greyed out
and inaccessible when the Main window first opens until a test is loaded/scanned in.
■ Save As: Similar to Save Image button, the Save As tab saves the image to the desired
location in memory. A folder directory will open up and prompt the user to input a name for
the test to save as. Images are automatically saved as .jpg format. (More info in Save Image)
■ Exit: Logs off the user and closes the IO Scan .
2) Under View in the Main Menu bar, the user can view the following:
■ Clear All Displays: Clears the display in Scan Results if tests have been scanned in. (More
info in Clear All Display)
3) Under Action the user can view the following:
■ Version Value: Sets the Test Version of pre-scanned tests. Do this before scanning in new
test(s). (More info in Set Version)
■ Stop for Missing Student ID: When scanning in Generic Tests, this will make sure that the
user is prompted to input the student ID for the tests that was just scanned. (More info in
Scanning Generic Test(s))
■ Ignore Multiple Marks for Mutli-Select Items: If a test contains a multiple select (MS) item
question, this feature will ignore the question if IO Scan finds multiple marked bubbles on
the test, and will not see them as errors. (More info in Ignore Multiple Marks for
Multi-Select Items)
■ Multi File Scan: Opens up a Windows File Explorer and prompts the user to select a folder
where a batch of tests are saved. (More info in Multi File Scan)
4) Under Calibrate, the user can view the following:
■ Adjust Scanner Brightness: Allows the user to adjust the scanning brightness level. The user
is shown the current brightness level that is set, with a slider bar. The user can move the
slider bar to adjust the brightness accordingly. (More info in Adjust Scanner Brightness)
■ Do Not Record Score: User can choose whether or not to let the IO Scan calculates the
scores for the loaded/scanned in their tests. The default is the IO Scan scoring the tests. A
check mark will be displayed next to the tab if the user does not want IO Scan to calculate
the scores for each test, and the label will be displayed after the District
Dropdown Menu on the Main window.
5) Under Help, the user can view the following:
■ About IO Scan : Similar to the Help button, it opens the same window that provides
information about the licenses of the IO Scan and who to contact for scanner cleaning,
maintenance, or general help. (More info in Help)
Start Scanning with IO Scan
1) Turn on the scanner. (Be sure that the Twain Driver is installed into your computer
before starting IO Scan. If not, please download the twain driver according to which
scanner you are using before you continue to the next step).
2) Open IO Scan.
3) Load tests into the ADF paper chute (feeder). Depending on the scanner, the documents should
face-up or face-down accordingly.
4) Press to start scanning. The text, “Scanning sheets from the ADF…” will then be
displayed at the bottom of the Main window as the documents are being scanned.
■ Previous tests are automatically cleared from the display in Scan Results
■ If you’re tests are not being scanned through the correct scanner, go to File → Select
Scanner…, and select the scanner you want to scan from
5) As it scans and loads each document into the IO Scan, the Main window will update and begin
displaying the test results under Scan Results a couple of seconds after each scan. If the document is
scanned correctly, the IO Scan should display the following information in the Scan Results section
of the Main window:
■ Scan Number: Keeps track of the order the documents are scanned.
■ Student ID: Student identification number.
■ Student Name: Name of student corresponding to the student ID (Last Name, First Name).
■ Test Name: Name of test corresponding to the test ID.
■ Version: The letter A, B, C, or D. If the test does not have versions, then it should be blank.
■ RS: An integer number that display the raw score.
■ Percent: A decimal number that represents the percentage of correct answers.
■ Question Number(s): Starting from 1, generates columns for each question from the test that
has the most numbered questions. (Example: user loads a 10 questions test and a 5 question
test in one batch, then the IO Scan will populate a 10 question numbers column table).
■ Student’s Answer(s): Displays below the questions number(s) columns the student's answer,
which could be the following:
● or
Student answers can be one of the following letters: A, B, C, or D. If the cell is white,
the answer is correct. If the cell is red, the answer is incorrect.
● or
: Indicates that the answer was marked in the
booklet/test, and that a teacher’s “Constructed Response” was required. The number
represents the score that the teacher has given to the student. If the number is below
a 3, the background of the cell will turn red. Otherwise, if the answer is a 3, then the
background of the cell will stay white.
● : Indicates that the IO Scan did not pick up a marked bubble. The background
of the cell will turn a pink color. This item needs to be reviewed and edited.
● : Indicates that multiple bubbles have been marked for that question. The cell
could display any combination of letters that have been marked. The background of
the cell will turn a pink color. This item needs to be reviewed and edited.
● : An asterisk indicates that the item needs to be reviewed and edited, and that
multiple marks were detected. The background of the cell will turn a pink color.
6) Immediately after the scanner finishes scanning and each result is displayed in Scan Results, the
Editor window will open, displaying all the test that need editing. These test include
blank/unknown answers, multiple marked answers, or answers that need just need a second look at.
In the editor, users can correct wrong answers that the IO Scan had marked. (More info for Editor).
7) Once the user is finished editing, close out of the Editor. This will then open a prompt that will ask
whether or not to save your changes/edits. The Editor window will then close and the user will
return back to the Main window.
What happens when you scan in Generic Test(s)?
Before you start scanning, make sure that the option
“Stop for Missing Student ID” is checked under Action in
the Main Menu Bar. This will allow you to input the
Student ID as each test in scanned and loaded. The
following will occur:
1) After scanning in a test, the Identify Student
window will open, to prompt the user to input the
student ID to the corresponding test.
■ If you are unsure what test it is on, check
your Scan Results and it should be the test
after the last one that is displayed in the list.
2) Type in the correct ID number
3) Press or the Enter key on the keyboard
■ If you are scanning a large number of Generic Sheets, you can choose to disable this pop-up
by checking “don’t ask me this again”
and then deal with the missing Student
ID’s in the Editor (More info in Student
ID is incorrect).
If you do not want to type in the New Student ID#, you
can click and
the Student ID will be set to 0, and the Student name
will be “Unknown Student” as shown on the right.
Version Entry Error
If you already know the versions of all the test that
you will be scanning, go to How To Set Test
Version. If you are getting a Version Entry Error
after scanning, like the one seen on the right, then
you will need to set the version of the test before it
can be scored correctly. A good this is, this error
displays the different versions that the test
contains, so you know which ones to look for.
Here’s what you can do to change the version of a
1) After closing the error and the scanner finishes scanning, the Editor should
open with the pages that need fix. Or you can get to the Editor by clicking the icon in the Main window.
2) Locate the Version box on the test displayed (this should be
located to the right of the barcode). If it needs fixing, the Red
Arrow should be pointing to the version bubbles.
■ Bubbles in Yellow show that the IO Scan sees it as a
marked bubble
3) Click on the version bubble that corresponds to the test
version, such that the bubble turns yellow. Unclick any
bubbles that do not correspond to the test version.
4) Once the user finishes editing, close the Editor. This will
open the User Alert! You will want to click Save and Exit to
save all your versions changes. Now all your tests are saved
and the Main window will update the test information.
Is the IO Scan picking up too many marked answers? Is it not picking
up enough answers?
The Bubble Darkness feature allows you to adjust the software so that it could calculate the images
1) Before you scan your tests, go to the bottom left corner of the Main window where the bubble
darkness is located. Depending on the test that will be scanned, do the following:
■ Move the slider in the positive (+) direction for scan sheets with erasure
■ Move the slider in the negative (-) direction for scan sheets with lightly
marked bubbles
2) Press to start scanning. The IO Scan should pick up more or less marked bubbles
Clear all tests on display in the Main window
Are you tired of looking at all the tests in Scan Results? Is all that information making you see double?
Then it’s time to clear the display by using “Clear All Display”. Here’s how it works:
5) After scanning in images, from the Main Menu bar go to View→ click Clear All Display.
6) The Main window is now cleared of any scanned information
Set Preferences
IO Scan allows you to adjust how the image is being scanned.
1) From the Main Menu bar go to File → click Set Preferences. This will open the Set Preferences
window, shown below:
2) Before scanning in the documents, the Set Preferences window allows the users to adjust the
following defaults:
3) After adjusting the defaults, press to save the changes and return to the Main window.
4) Press to close the window and return to the Main window.
5) To restore the defaults to its original settings, press .
Set Scanning Brightness Level
Another way to set the brightness level
before scanning is using the Set
Scanning Brightness Level window.
1) From the Main Menu bar go to
Calibrate → click Adjust Scanner
Brightness. Set Scanning
Brightness Level window
should open.
2) The slider will display the set
brightness level that the scanner is
currently set to. To adjust, move
the cursor on the slider to the
desired brightness level.
3) Press . This will save
the changes made and return the
user to Main window.
■ If the user decides to not
make any changes, press to close the window and return to the Main window.
“Restore Default Settings” doesn’t get the ideal scanning image for the IO Scan?
This might be because IO Scan does not have the default settings for the scanner you’re using. Please Call
Eadms Support ( and our support team will sort that out for you. If possible, find the
ideal settings for your scanner before talking to the support team, so that the issue can be finished in a
timely manner.
Do you already know the test Version for the tests that you are about to scan in? How to Set Test Version:
If you already know what the test version for the batch of tests that you are
about the scan in, then it might be easier to set the Test Version value so
that there won’t be any mistakes during scanning. To set this value, follow
the steps shown below:
1) From the Main Menu bar go to Action→ click Version Value.
Default Test Version window should open.
2) Select one of the following for the batch of scan sheets that are ready
to be scanned:
■ Use Bubbled Value: uses the found marked version
■ Version A – defaults all test scanned to version A
■ Version B – defaults all test scanned to version B
■ Version C – defaults all test scanned to version C
■ Version D – defaults all test scanned to version D
3) Press to save the version value. New the next scanned
images will be set to the version selected.
If an error occurs when scanning in version tests, see Version Entry Error.
The Editor is only available after scanning in tests. Normally, the editor will open right after scanning to
display all the tests that need editing. However, if you’ve already exited the editor the first time around and
want to access it again, here are the steps that you need to take:
1) Press to get to the Editor. The editor will automatically open with all the images loaded.
2) Below is a view of the control panel located at the top of the editor where the user can control which
page to show in the editor and edit the test accordingly:
The control panel for the editor contains the following:
In the black box (example shown on page 18), the Test and Student information should be displayed in the
following format:
Test: TNID/TCID Test Name
Student: Student ID: Last Name, First Name
File Path Name (Usually starting with C:\...) location of the image that’s been temporarily saved in memory
- Underneath the file path name is a table, where the top row is the number of the question, and the
bottom row showcase the answer to that item.
3) On display should be the first test/document that has been scanned in. All found marked answer are
highlighted in yellow and all items that need editing are pointed at with a red arrow. Overall, the
user will see the following:
4) To “turn off” a marked bubble, click on the yellow mark. To “turn on” an empty bubble, click within
the square box surrounding the bubble.
5) After editing the item, and there are multiple images that need editing, the user can navigate
through the scanned images by pressing the to go to the next scan sheet, or
to go to the previous scanned sheet. The user could also type in the number where the scanned sheet
is located in the page number next to this button:
Each scanned sheet is posted in order with a number on the
Main window under the column Scan.
6) Once the user finishes editing, close the Editor. This will open
up the User Alert! Window where the user can choose one of
the following:
■ Save and Exit: saves the edits made and updates the
information in the Scan Results on the Main window
■ Exit Without Saving: closes the editor, disregards all
the edits made, and returns to the Main window
■ Cancel & Return to Editor: returns to Editor
Manual Editor
The Manual Editor is an easier way to update the
responses/answers on a test. This is used usually if most of the marks on a test are not being picked up by
the IO Scan.
1) Press to get to the Manual Editor. The editor will automatically open the test
corresponding to the one currently in the Editor that is being displayed.
2) The window will contain the following contents:
■ Student ID: Student identification number.
■ Test ID: Test identification number
■ # of Test Questions: Amount of questions in the test.
■ Test Version: Can be edited.
■ Item #: Test questions.
■ Responses/Checkboxes: Boxes that are checked correspond to the marked answers that the
IO Scan found. Can be edited.
3) Press to save the changes. This will also close the window and return to the Editor.
■ Press to close the window without saving.
4) Close the Editor to further save the edits made and return to the Main window where the Scan
Results display will update
with the new responses.
Manual Editor isn’t on the correct
test or student?
In order to change the test on the
Manual Editor, take the following
1) Change the Student ID
located at the top of the
Manual Editor window.
2) Change the Test ID
located next to the student
3) Press to
update the Manual Editor
and change the test. The
number of test questions
will be update for the
specific test. You are now
able to edit the test.
The Student ID is incorrect on the test that is being displayed, what do I do?
If you are scanning in Generic Test(s) or the IO Scan found the incorrect Student ID, the Editor allows you
to change the student ID by following the steps below:
1) Above the test in red, there should be a warning that the student ID is zero. That
means that the student is Unknown.
2) At the top of the Editor, locate the section Edit Identification. In that section an area where the
user can change the student identity (StuID:) of the test that is currently displayed in the Editor.
3) Type in the correct student ID in the StuID section.
4) Press to save the ID.
5) The Editor will display the new Student ID in red above the test.
6) Close the Editor to further save your changes in the Editor.
7) Under Student Name in the Scan Results section of the Main window should now update from
“Unknown Student” to the correct name corresponding to the student ID.
■ If the Student Name displays “Student Enrollment Missing” then the student number that
was inputted could not be found in the data. Please check if the student ID is correct, and if it
is, then the student might not be in the system. Please contact support for help.
Ignore Multiple Marks for Multi-Select Items
This feature is checked by default and can be changed in both in the Main window and the Editor
Before scanning, you can change this feature in the Main window under Action, and then check/uncheck
“Ignore Multiple Marks for Multi-Select Items”.
After scanning, in the Editor window, if you find that you want to see the multiple select questions with
multiple marks, uncheck the “Ignore Multiple Marks for Multi-Select Items” in the View Images section of
the Editor.
The following image is an example of how the Editor is displayed:
Save Image, Load Saved Image and Multi File Scan
IO Scan is able to not only process scanned images, but saved images as well.
Save Image
IO Scan is able to save the last image that was scanned.
1) After scanning in tests, press or from the Main Menu bar go to File → click Save As. Either of
the two will open up a Windows File Explorer that will display the directories in memory.
2) In the Windows File Explorer, select the location of where the image is to be saved.
3) Type in the name of the saved image in “File Name:” text box.
4) Press .
■ Press if you do not desire to save the image at the moment. This will return
you back to the Main window.
5) The image/test is now saved as a .jpg file into memory
Load Saved Image
1) Press or from the Main Menu bar go to File → click Open. Either of the two will open up a
Windows File Explorer that will display the directories in memory.
2) In the Windows File Explorer, locate where the desired image for scanning is and select it.
3) Press . The Windows File Explorer should close, returning you back to the Main
window and the selected image is now loaded into the IO Scan , as seen by the updated status at the
bottom of the Main window that should display: “Ready to Scan from Memory: [file path to image].
■ Press if you do not desire to load the image to IO Scan. This will return you
back to the Main window.
■ If you’ve chosen the wrong image to scan, the go back to step 1 for Load Saved Image.
4) Press to start scanning the image from memory
5) The test results should display in the Scan Results and the
Editor will open if edits are needed.
Multi File Scan
1) From the Main Menu bar go to Action→ click Multi File
2) Multi File Scan window will open (seen on the right).
3) Press . The Windows File Explorer
should open and display the directories in memory.
4) Locate where the desired folder/directory of saved images are and select it.
5) Press once you selected the desired folder.
6) Another Muti File Scan window will open (shown on the
right) displaying the file path name of where the selected
folder is located and the number of .jpg files in that folder
to scan. (NOTE: IO Scan ONLY checks .jpg files, so make
sure that the images are saved in the correct format).
7) If the information displayed is correct, then pressto start the process. This will return you
to the Main window and the bottom status will update and display:
Scanning [# of images scanned] of [# of images if file being scanned]
■ If the file path name is incorrect, press and repeat steps 4 to 8.
8) The test results should display in the Scan Results and the Editor will open if edits are needed.
Important: after successfully scanning and importing results, you should delete the scanned images from
the network folder so the next person who scans does not have to process those same images again.
1) Go to Help→ click About IO Scan . Either of the two will open up the About IO Scan window,
shown below:
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