These instructions will help you access the iO Assessment Standards Mastery report, which can inform a team of teachers how students are performing as a whole on respective standards and overall strands. For a standard set like CCSS ELA or Math, this report will pull data from ALL the assessments your students have taken in iO Assessment for a given date range. A team of teachers can review this data and make instructional decisions based on where students are performing well or poorly overall.
Click this Tile
Click Reports > Group Reports > Standards Mastery Report
Select your student group and click Next
Select a student roster and click Generate Report.
The report will default to the Standards Aggregate view.
Notice how the standards are listed along the left and middle, and the proficiency across the respective tests you selected is listed along the right.
To view the report by Strands instead, simply select Strands Aggregate in the drop-down menu.
To view the report by student rather than standard/strand, select the By Student view.
Near the middle of the screen, select your standard of interest by using the drop-down menu.
You’ll see the student roster along the left and how each student fared on this particular standard across all the tests you selected at the start. Again, you can click the blue headers to sort the report.
Click Show Advanced to apply basic reporting features, like period, demographics, sorting, etc.
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