After finalizing a test you will need to schedule the administration window in order for students to test. As you are creating the administration window, you can also add user managing rights and print/administering access.
You can schedule multiple administration windows for the same test. This is helpful if students must test on the same material throughout the year.
To schedule a test:
1. Click on Testing
2. Manage Tests
Click the Manage Tests tile from the Home page
Search for the Test ID then click on Manage.
Click the green Schedule Test button under the Administration tab.
Enter in the Start and End date of the testing window and test Type (Scan Sheet, Online Only or Both).
If the test type is set to Online Only or Both, you will have more Online Options to choose from.
Keep in mind you can change the Start and End dates at anytime.
Click Save.
To add or edit users who can manage the test:
Click on Change next to Who can manage this test.
1. Type the name of the user you would like to have managing rights to the test.
2. Click Add User.
3. Click Save.
Users can only be added one at a time.
To add or edit who can Print/Administer the test:
Click on Change under Who Can Print/Administer Test.
You have two options to add users.
Option 1:
1. Enter users individually by name.
2. Click Add User.
3. Click Save.
1. Add users based on access levels (Teacher, Site, District, or Admin).
2. Click Save.
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