These instructions will help you create accounts for less-common situations, as mentioned in the title. Be sure to familiarize yourself with this sister help doc first: System Admin – How to Set User Access Levels and What They All Mean. That doc will provide you with the actual mechanics of setting up an account.
Long-term Subs:
Several of these options presuppose that the district has given the long-term sub a district
email address. This is an important step!
There are two types of Long-term Subs: those who are subbing for a teacher that is in EADMS and those who are subbing in a vacant spot.
Options for Long-term sub for teacher who already has an EADMS account:
1. Create new account for sub and attach to classroom teacher of record in EADMS.
2. Have long-term sub use the teacher's direct account, meaning the teacher will have to give the sub is/her username and password. The sub will log directly into EADMS and not Aeries/Q Single Sign-on, if applicable.
Options for Long-term subs who are subbing in a vacant spot:
1. Create a new user account for sub, give him/her site-level access, and attach the account to a specific grade level and/or dept.
2. Create a general account for each school to have handy when they have long-term subs, make it site-level, and have the principal control the password so it can be changed every now and then.
SpEd Teachers, TOSAs, Dept. Chairs
These users typically need site-level access so they can access any student/teacher in EADMS for a respective site. A department chair will need his/her site-level access narrowed to department.
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