Compatible Cameras – visit
Printing Grade Cam Scan Sheets –
Print Test Materials > Grade Cam Scansheet > Select Student Group > Download PDF
*Note* Tests with 75+ items tend to not print well and cause issues
The black box on the printed scan sheet is VERY important to remain unbroken and with a solid bold line. This is where the system knows to look when reading student responses.
A single scan sheet can be used as many times as possible (laminating or protecting is recommended for this usage)
o T/F questions or questions with less distractors than the rest on the test will result in the system to create blank bubbles to create uniformity of bubbles. This will not cause any issues for a 2 distractor item to have 4 bubbles or the like.
*Note* Making a dummy test with lots of questions on it generates a
scan sheet that can be used on both low and high question count tests.
Scanning Sheets into eadms (No more plugin required)
Testing > Scan with Grade Cam > Select the test and click “Scan” > Wait for system to recognize your camera
A black Grade Cam screen on the scanning page is normal and means the camera on the computer has not been engaged yet.
o If the camera image never populates try:
Refreshing the browser
Closing and reopening the browser
Double check to see if the camera is supported by Grade Cam
Ensure the camera is directly connected to the computer NOT routed through another piece of
Ensure the browser settings have the correct camera selected (also refreshing browser after selecting appropriate camera)
Checking if camera drivers are up to date
*Note* A recognized and a system approved camera does not guarantee
a quality and/or useful camera
Green box around the scanned test indicates a successful read;
Yellow indicates a box is detected but not read/aligned/focused/etc. Poor alignment is mostly accounted for and accepted by the system.
o If camera cannot/will not read the scan sheet try:
Adjusting light (too dark / too bright)
Focusing the camera
Distance of document from camera
Angle the document is at
Lamination and glare, adjusting lighting and/or angle.
*Note* Grade Cam will not successfully scan the same sheet 2 times in a row
Flagged errors are limited to improper and illegible bubbling o Improper bubbling (x’s on bubbles, lines through bubbles, etc.) prompts the system to NOT scan these sheets.
o A pop up will prompt and allow the user to select intended answer bubbles only when the bubbles are illegible to the system (similar to the LSO system)
Show Results
“Show Results” tab shows student responses and potential errors. Clicking this shows the entire selection of student’s responses during the current scanning session.
*Note* If more scanning is done after this is clicked, only the next student’s results will populate. To see all of the students again, simply click “Show Results” again.
Edits are to be made while scanning scan sheets because images are not retained and cannot be referenced again. For example, accidental double bubbles, not clearly erased answers can be adjusted
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