This tutorial will assist you in downloading SBAC Summative scores from TOMS for the purpose of uploading them to your EADMS ftp site.
Student data files for the annual administration of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) are in .dat format. A .dat file contains data in an unspecified format—what you see is dependent upon the application you use to open the file. In the case of the student data file, the .dat
file contains plain text data. When opening and/or saving this file, it is critical that the “plain” text format be preserved. Please do not edit the document in any way. If you are going to save your data file in Microsoft Excel, you must save it in plain text format (when you save, select a plain text format like .txt or .csv).
You can download your student data file from the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) at
Click Online Reporting System.
Click Retrieve Student Results.
Select the Test: Summative, IAB, ICA, etc.
Select the Administration year.
Change the Download Format to CSV. Click Download which will send the file to your “Inbox”.
Download the file and save it locally, making sure not to edit it in any way.
Once you have downloaded your file, upload it to your EADMS ftp folder and send an alert email to
Please contact EADMS via that same email address should you have any questions about this process.
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